Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Who's Your Favorite Book Character?

On Friday, October 30, the elementary students dressed up as their favorite character from a book. Zach chose to dress up as Geronimo Stilton. This is the main character from the series "Geronimo Stilton." Who is Geronimo? Well, he is a mouse that runs a newspaper, but his true passion is writing adventure stories. The books are about his adventures in which he always turns out to be the hero... somehow. Jeff and Zach enjoy reading them together. Abby dressed as Prince Caspian from the "Chronicles of Narnia." She made her costume out of cardboard and did an exceptional job on the design. The only drawback was she couldn't sit down in class!

As for me, well.... Since I have seven students this year, I had a great idea to have the whole class dress as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs! The kids were adorable. They made their costumes in class (the hats and their beards). Oh, when we discussed our costumes my class said that Snow White had to have "black hair" so yes I have a wig on! Anyone coming to Indonesia to visit us don't pack any taffeta...it doesn't breathe at all! I lasted until lunch with the dress and the wig, but it was worth it.
The day was a success. We had 100% participation from the elementary students and faculty. Everyone dressed up. Parents were invited to chapel where we sang praise songs together and the teachers performed a couple of readers' theatre from well known children's books. From 10:30 to lunch we were split into multi-age groups that rotated between hearing a few favorite books read to playing "Literature Pictionary" and "20 Questions." Then on to drawing their favorite scene from a book on a mural and participating in a school wide reading challenge. It was a very busy, very fun day!


  1. Wow Dana! I didn't even recognize you! Great job. I'm sure the kids loved every minute of it. Tell Zach and Abby I love their costumes as well.

  2. That is really cool!! Mrs. Selzer I bet the kids love you! You were such a great teacher! Miss you guys!! Hoping you guys are having fun!!
    Here is my email kenzieboo21@yahoo.com!!
    Miss you guys.
