Monday, August 30, 2010

Good Ole Family Entertainment

I continue to be surprised by the plant and animal life that we have in Indonesia.  It seems like there is something always moving.  Tonight as we prepared to wash dishes, we spied something behind the trash can which sits under the sink.  It took a moment, but we quickly realized what we were looking at; a dead gecko being carried away by ants.  Of course, seeing ants and geckos in our house is nothing to get excited about, they peacefully co-exist with us 24 hours a day.  What caught our attention was that our "dead" gecko was moving.  It's tail kept moving back and forth.  Upon closer inspection, we could see that the ants were trying to carry the gecko away, unsuccessfully I must add.  Groups of determined ants lined up on each side of the gecko's tail and attempted to move it.  The ants couldn't move the whole gecko, but they could move it's tail.  Back and forth they moved it, giving our dead gecko the appearance of an almost but not quite "dead" gecko. 

Perhaps the most bizarre part of this story is not the dead gecko under our sink or the ants who were trying to move it.  The most bizarre thing was that we kept watching the ants moving that dead gecko's tail back and forth. (apparently we're starved for entertainment here.)  It was amazing and inspirational to watch the ants determination in the face of what seemed like an impossible task.  Perhaps we need to stop and watch ants try to conquer the impossible more often.  Maybe then we would be less apt to fear and quicker to try.  Maybe then we might learn to live under the reality that nothing is impossible with God.  It's surprising what we can learn from unwanted creatures when we try to see them through their Creator's eyes.  Blessing to you as you try.

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