Saturday, March 20, 2010

Here's A New One

"Okay, what do you get when a gecko crawls in an outlet?"  I think everyone knows the answer to that one.  We're not sure why the gecko crawled behind one of the 22O outlet covers in our kitchen, but I do know that when I touched him he squirmed in further.  About the same time that Jeff was trying to grab him, the gecko's tail suddenly went very straight.  In this moment, both Jeff and the gecko got the shock of their lifetime.  For the gecko, it was his last moment.  For Jeff, it was a surprise that left his hand and arm a bit numb for a few minutes.  Unlike the gecko who remained very still, Jeff was fine.

I can honestly say that we never know what to expect and life is definitely not dull here in Indonesia.  Part of the reason for that is the nature that surrounds us.  Just this morning I was telling Jeff that it was extremely noisy here, between the birds, the insects, and our neighbors' goats and chickens...let's just say that it's hard to sleep beyond 6 am.  There are many other noises throughout our neighborhood that are beginning to become a part of our life.  I think we've gotten used to the neighborhood mosque and their call to prayer at 4 am.  In fact we don't usually hear it anymore, it has become background noise. 

As for the geckos...they are everywhere, small ones, long ones, dark ones, light ones.  The little ones, an inch or so long, are quite fun as they will crawl all over your hand trickling you with their small feet.  They do provide a bit of amusement, if you can catch one.


  1. THIS is something I'm not sure if I will be able to handle. Things that squirm bother me...just as Jeff, my snake-charmer!

  2. humors me to imagine DANA not being able to sleep past 6 a.m.! ;)

  3. For Wendy - We won't make you touch a gecko, we promise. Zach or Quin might chase you with one, just once, for a short distance! Then we will make them stop...we promise!

    Who is me "just me"? I can get up...if I have to. It's just that I would rather get up once the sun is already up in the sky.

  4. Jeff, was it worse than an electric fence shock? That was the only thing I could equate it to. I showed that picture to Keenan's little girl Lincoln and my mom, and I was like "Lincoln what is that?" She's like "it's a lizard". Smart two year old. Hope all continues to go well. E-mail soon!!!!
